We can’t wait to see what 2025 has in store and are now taking applications for the 2025 BC Wakesurf Team.
The application deadline is March 25, 2025 and the application form can be filled out here: https://wswbc.typeform.com/to/TbyRuaue
It takes less than 2 minutes to apply.
This is an amazing opportunity to ride with other youth from around BC who share your passion for wakesurfing, while learning new skills and riding with some of the top riders in Canada. Whether you are looking to meet new friends, enhance your skills or train to prepare for the BC Summer Games in 2026, don’t miss out on this opportunity.
Applicants must be 18 or under as of January 1, 2025.
What You Can Expect from the Team Experience:
At least two training opportunities
A team of like-minded riders of all skill-levels committed to taking their surf game to the next level
Amazing mentors and coaches
Some team swag
To learn something new and set goals for the 2025 season
And…to have FUN.
What Is Expected of BC Team Members:
You would participate in training – particularly team events
You would strive to attend Provincials and/or Nationals
You would be open to receiving instruction
You bring a fun, positive attitude to the team
While dates are being finalized, there will be a Team BC camp the weekend of July 5-7 in the Lake Koocanusa area. There will be additional training opportunities throughout the season and more details will be announced soon as dates and locations are finalized. Provincials will be held the weekend of August 15-17, and Nationals will be held in early to mid-September (the date has not yet been finalized), also at Lake Koocanusa.
Get in on the fun and apply to be part of our team!
